Slag wool sound-absorbing panel is a kind of top grade decorative material integrating decoration, sound absorption, fireproofing, cold& heat insulation, and energy-saving to a whole. 矿棉装饰吸声板,是集装饰、声隔音、火阻燃、冷绝热、能绝缘八大特点于一体的高级装饰(体建筑)料。
Shall we start the testing of cold insulation resistance? 冷态绝缘电阻测试是否可以开始?
Summer sun exposure should be prevented, the winter cold season, the construction insulation measures should be taken. 夏季应防止阳光暴晒,冬季低温季节施工应采取保温措施。
In the cold regions, both heat preservation and thermal insulation compound walls can be assembled. 在寒冷和严寒地区,可组合成及保温有隔热的复合墙。
STUDY ON THE INTEGRATION OF KANG AND VENTILATING FOR THE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE COLD REGION Optimization analysis on roof insulation layer in residential construction under air-conditioning and heating conditions 寒区村镇住宅火炕采暖与通风一体化研究空调采暖双重功能住宅的屋顶保温层优化分析
Cold Insulation Concrete Foundation Construction Technique of Low Temperature Storage Tank with Double Metal Walls 双壁金属低温储罐保冷混凝土基础施工技术
Silicone rubber is a kind of polymer with polysiloxane-based chain, which has been widely used in many fields for its excellent heat resistance, cold resistance and electrical insulation. 硅橡胶是一类以聚硅氧烷为主链的高分子材料,它具有优异的耐热性、耐寒性和电绝缘性,广泛应用于社会各种行业。
Cold insulation technology is one of the important energy-saving technology for petrochemical enterprises, especially ethylene industry. 低温保冷技术是石油化工企业特别是乙烯行业的重要节能技术之一。
Keeping LNG cryogenic transfer pipes cold by insulation LNG低温输送管路的绝热保冷
An example, cold insulation design of atmospheric ammonia tank in large scale ammonia plant is given, the article presents the main technical points in cold insulation structure determination and cold insulation material selection. 以大型化肥装置常压液氨贮罐的隔冷设计为例,指出在隔冷层结构的确定、隔冷材料的选取等方面应考虑的主要技术问题。
Water-repellet expansion pearlite was used for the first time as an insulating material for the cold insulation work in the ketone-benzol-dewaxing unit in the refinery. 炼油厂酮苯脱蜡脱油装置首次使用新型绝热材料&憎水性膨胀珍珠岩进行保冷,并对保冷效果进行了测定和评价。
Technological measures of cold-proof and heat insulation of tunnel's winter construction in high-cold area 高寒地区隧道冬期施工防寒保温技术措施
Research of moisture proof barrier in cold insulation structure 保冷结构的防潮层、隔汽层研究
In this paper, the author has put forward some correction comments for discussion on the economic thickness calculating formula and analyzed the non-economic and non-practical cold insulation thickness recommended in the national standard chart ( 98T920). 作者提出了经济厚度计算公式的修改意见,和分析了(98T902)国家标准图推荐的保冷厚度的不经济、不合理之处,供讨论。
Application of a new compound structure of cold insulation in co_2 desorption tower 新型复合保冷结构在二氧化碳解吸塔上的应用
Cold Insulation Effect Evaluation and Reform Suggestion for Low-Temperature Equipment and Piping in Qilu Ethylene Plant 齐鲁乙烯装置低温设备及管道保冷效果评价及改造建议
The nonlinear analysis of the standard cold insulation box of fractionating tower in industrial use was presented and the calculating model and analytic method were deduced under the load of inner-filling in the condition of having and not having lateral-displacement. 对工业应用中定型化的分馏塔保冷箱进行了非线形分析,推导了无侧移情况下和有侧移情况下内填料作用的计算模式及分析方法。
Method for repair and strengthening of underground cold storage without thermal insulation in case of frost damaged lining. 本文研究了无热绝缘的地下冷库在衬砌冻坏情况下的加固维修方法。
Development of Testing Device for Low Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Cylinder Shaped Cold Insulation Materials and Structure 管状保冷材料及其结构低温导热系数测试装置研制
Measurement of superficial thermal conductivity of cylinder shaped cold insulation materials 管状保冷材料表观导热系数曲线的测定
Cold insulation design for large scale ammonia storage tank 大型液氨贮罐的隔冷设计
Making a support between cold finger free end and housing of a detector with gum, or gluing the cold finger fixed end to housing for vibration insulation, had the best effect to reduce the vibration noise to 1/ 20 of the former value. 在冷指自由端与壳体间填胶做支撑、或冷指固定端与壳体间用胶粘隔振的减振降噪效果最好,可使振动噪声降至原值的1/20。
According to the characteristics of the cold insulation box of Fractionating tower, it is considered that the effect of inner-filling on the construction is related with the variable density, then the relative formulation in the condition of not having lateral-displacement is deduced. 根据分馏塔保冷箱的特点,认为内填料对结构的作用与变密度有关,推导了无水平位移下的相关公式;
Research On Two Problems of Cold Storage Insulation Design 冷库隔热设计的两个问题的探讨
This paper describes the hot insulation resistance and cold insulation resistance, and presents the recommended minimum value of insulation resistance. 文章叙及对绕组热态绝缘电阻、冷态绝缘电阻的理解。
Case study of Cold-cold Heat Insulation Coating and Economic Analysis 凉凉隔热胶的应用实例及经济效益分析
Research of Application of LNG Deep Cold-Heat Insulation Technology LNG深冷绝热技术应用研究
Through analysis and research of the LNG deep cold-heat insulation technology characteristics, the LNG deep cold thermal insulation blanket modular structures has been designed. The research on the selection of LNG deep cold heat-insulating materials was carried out. 通过LNG深冷绝热技术特点的分析和研究,设计出LNG深冷绝热层典型结构,对LNG深冷绝热材料进行了选材研究。
The cracks of infill walls can cause the prone to the wall, hot and cold bridge effect, effect the waterproof of buildings, insulation effect and the beauty. 填充墙墙体裂缝容易造成墙体渗漏、引起冷热桥效应。
In the hot summer and cold winter area, as the existing buildings have no basic thermal insulation measures, energy waste is particularly serious. 而在夏热冬冷地区,由于既有建筑基本无任何保温措施,能源浪费尤为严重。